About Me

My photo
texas, United States
EYY. im me. i love God. like superman. have a bf named richard. a big family. love to eat. like to learn. hate lima beans. and thats it. :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

another uneventful day...

Three things that scare me: roaches, lawn mowers, && addictions,

Three people who make me laugh: richard, kevin, alex

Three things I love: God, basketball, && fried chicken

Three things I hate: lies, math, && trashtalking

Three things I don't understand: self-mutalation, drama queens, lava lamps

Three things on my desk: earrings, whataburger cup, flash drive

Three things I'm doing right now: blogging ((duh)), listening to hawk nelson, coughing **cough cough**

Three things I want to do before I die: lead someone to Christ, visit England, make a family

Three things I can do: dance ((WHITE PPL CAN DO IT TOO)), write great poetry, shoot a 3-pointer hook shot

Three things you should listen to: God, Trip Lee, my little bro phillip count lol (its so cute)

Three things you should never listen to: marilyn manson, someone die (?), bullstuff

Three things I'd like to learn: more about playing da DRUMS :), player stats of the entire spurs team, more about the Old Testament

Three beverages I drink regularly: milk, koolaid, && apple juice

Future Job: missionary maybe? :) hmm....

Wants to go to: england

Extra curriculars: lol nothin rite now. ima slacker.. haha :P well unless youth group counts :)

Occupation: disciple....

Favorites:Colors: black, red, blue

Subjects: english && history

Food: fried chicken and mashed potatoes :) MMMM-MMM GOOD :) lolz

Season: fall.

Time of day: late afternoon

Least favorites:Colors: hmm....i guess ima go with orange. bleh.

Subjects: science and math GRRRRG

Food: squash && lima beans

Season: idk..good question...

Time of day: early morning..having to wake up. and get dressed. and move lol.

Currently:Reading: Luke....thats it

Goal: All A's...be more active again..save up $$$ for an xbox

Playing: as in??????

Talking to: my brother shaun. hes tellin me how boring whatever im doing looks lol


Lady Brainsample said...

I want to go to England too! Someday...

Miss Dawn said...

lava lamps?? lol! I hadn't thought about that before... they really don't make much sense do they...