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texas, United States
EYY. im me. i love God. like superman. have a bf named richard. a big family. love to eat. like to learn. hate lima beans. and thats it. :)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Life Thoughts

So I've been asked alot lately about "what i wanna be when i grow up". And I've been thinking...What better to do than proclaim his name? I definetly want to go to college and do Biblical Studies. But, I've been thinking about what I want my actual "CAREER" to be. I've been thinking about what will make me happy... The thing that makes me most happy NOW is Christ. I think I want to go into ministry. Whatever I do, I'm gonna be sharing Him with people. The Great Commission is to make disciples of ALL nations, not just the one you're in. I've thought before about how dangerous it would be and how harsh conditions might be and la la la. But, so WHAT! If I go over to Africa or something as a missionary and get killed, then I'm gonna be with Jesus sooner than I thought. But, if I can manage to NOT die lol, maybe God can use me to lead someone to Christ over there.
And I was also kinda thinking about organizations that they have now for homeless people, like shelters and stuff. How many homeless people do you think know how to get the resources that are available to them? I don't know, I have just been thinking alot about homeless people and stuff. I think it'd be really cool to start some sort of organization, not like the ones there are nowadays, really. All these rich, famous people give bunches of money to charity and stuff, but what about those people on the STREET that are just trying to survive day by day. Do you think they know about where all these shelters or anything are? I don't know. It would be really to cool to just help people for a living. Some non-profit organization, maybe. With all of this stuff I'm thinking about, I might have to live in a box lol, but it'll be okay. God will be with me...Just thinking... :)


Lady Brainsample said...

That's awesome, Katy. I've had similar thoughts before, but I think I might be more useful in something like Christian counseling. That's one of the reasons I want to volunteer for a Crisis Pregnancy Center.

Tricia Keierleber said...

look into Campus Crusade for Christ. PK did it in college, but they need people all over share the Gospel. That might be in are far distant future too! :) Unless God says otherwise... I think Has ministry plans for PK but we'll see! :)