About Me

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texas, United States
EYY. im me. i love God. like superman. have a bf named richard. a big family. love to eat. like to learn. hate lima beans. and thats it. :)

Friday, September 26, 2008


first blog. woohoo. :)
not my first, technically. i have a myspace blog, but who reads those anyways.
but anywho.
I'm feeling pretty great about pretty much everything nowadays...which kinda scares me. when you're at the top, there's nowhere to go but downhill.
Me and God? We're closer than ever. I feel like He's just shining through me at this point. It feels GREAT! :) God is truly the greatest joy you can possibly have. You don't get into arguements with him. He might scream at you sometimes through your life so you'll realize what you're doing lol, but he's always right. So knowing that, it's no biggie. When I fight with the boyfriend, He's there. When I feel like my head is about to explode, He's there. When I get my phone taken away, He's there. He's the only one I can ALWAYS talk to no matter WHERE I am.
I'm feeling more and more confident about what I say about Him, too. I'm reading the bible more...not as much as I SHOULD, but I'm taking babysteps.
Well, that's the lowdown on me.
I'm just so thankful for everything that God is doing in my life. :)