About Me

- katymay:)
- texas, United States
- EYY. im me. i love God. like superman. have a bf named richard. a big family. love to eat. like to learn. hate lima beans. and thats it. :)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Who I Am Hates Who I've Been. ((awesome song btw))
For example, I used to just shrug everyone's opinion of me off, along with whatever unkind things that might be said behind my back OR to my face. Now, if you say it to my face, expect a mouthful. On top of that, I haven't been the kind of person who CARES about what anyone thinks of me for a long time....until now. I've become so acustomed (idk if i spelled that right) to being myself, which is different, that being different is now something i TRY to be. People expect me to be different, and I like being different. The thing is, there I am TRYING to be what other people expect me to.
So, my favorite brand is Nike/Jordan. No big secret. Most of my shoes are Jordans or Nikes, because I like them. But, I got a DC shirt for Christmas. I was like "awesome. i like THIS"....but then i thought "wait. most of the white people at my school wear DC. i dont want to be like all the people who don't know me EXPECT me to be."
.....WTF. That's a really messed up mindstate, in my opinion. I've become so consumed with wearing what I like and LIKING it being different that when I come across something that i LIKE thats the SAME, I don't want to wear it. This might all be only making sense in my head lol. Basically, I'm conforming into a nonconformist...kinda. Idk. So, THAT got me thinking.
PLUS--Just a few minutes before I started typing this, I was on myspace. This girl I got into some drama with deleted me, and I was like "wow. thats funny."
(((So, I thought back to how me and the girl were texting on Christmas day. She had been starting some rumors about me recently, but she came and texted to me that I ruined her Christmas. I have been NOTHING but nice to her, even though I don't like her. So, my attitude snapped into action...via text message. Long story short, I got really rude with her--I meant every word--but the way I spoke them.)))
So, I went to view my profile and happened to look at my display name, a fancified version of "katymay((reppin dat GEE OH DEE))" I was like WHOA. Am I really representing God how he deserves to be represented? When I was texting that friend, I'm sure God was NOT looking down thinking "That's ma girl." :(
So here I am thinking about how much I've changed and how much i DONT like who I've become in comparison to who I USED to be...in some areas, that is. And the SAD part about it is that I'm pretty sure that MOST of it is because of a relationship thats pretty important to me. Richard...So...sitting here ashamed of myself and the way that I have been.....
I think I know what I should do.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Some good.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Report Card Time :(
I mean, I love my mom. She's amazing. I understand that she's my mother and she wants the best for me and she doesn't want me to look back and regret not making better grades and yadda yadda yadda. But, I haven't had straight As since fourth grade. This is pretty dang unrealistic.
Last year, she wanted me to just make atleast B's, which is understandable. Honestly, I wasn't doing EVERYTHING i could have last year to keep my grades up there, and they weren't. But, A's...GRRRR. This whole chopping off my connection to the world after school was the catalyst to my depression last year.
This is SO frustrating. I have good grades. Considering the classes, I have great grades. Yet, I'm going to be grounded for atleast the next four weeks.
I'm switching out of my advanced classes...TOMORROW. In academic sophomore classes, I can breeze through. Yeah, I know that might sound like a bad decision, but I don't care. I am not gonna go through what I went through last year. And if she's not gonna accept my best in THESE classes, surely she'll accept my best in THOSE classes.
I'm just so discouraged and sad and angry and irritated.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
another uneventful day...